French national expert of abdominal surgery - Dr. Hubert Johnette have a meeting with Anong team about clinical application of thoracic & laparoscopic surgical instruments
2000: Elected Member Associate at the National Academy of Surgery
2000: Associate Professor nomination - Collège de Médecine des H?pitaux de Paris (Paris Hospital Medical College)
2007-: Vice President of The Visceral and digestive Surgery Federation (Accrediting body by the High Health Authority -HAS- for the visceral and digestive surgeons)
2010- : member of the administration counsel of SOFFCO (Société Nationale de Chirurgie de l’Obésité - Bariatric / Obesity surgery National Society)
2014: Deputy member of the Visceral and Digestive Surgery Professional National Counsel
2016: Elected accredited member titulaire the National Academy of Surgery
2017- : Annual Secretary of the National Academy of Surgery
2017: Co - Coordinator of the AFC published report about bariatric surgery pratiques Since December 31st 2016 until now, has performed 537 scientific communications, of which 69 are referenced in Pubmed.